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The R2P Podcast Ep. 6: Our (voice)mail bag runneth over! Joey & Tucker spend the whole episode answering questions submitted by listeners. Did you know that Joey was going to be a professional puppeteer (like his mom!)? Wanna know how Tucker feels about dancing to Celine Dion? Tune in to hear all about it!
The R2P Podcast Ep. 5: Joey and Tucker discuss how R2P picks shows – and how participation came to be FREE for everyone! For the interview, we turn the spotlight around and chat with our own Tucker Davis! Did you know there’s a character in Cats named Spike? There wasn’t until Tucker came along! Like every episode in 2022, this one is sponsored by folks like you who support Running to Places by becoming R2Patrons (www.runningtoplaces.org/join) and by our friends at Tompkins Trust Company.
The R2P Podcast Ep. 4: Joey and Tucker talk favorite dance numbers and what makes a good audition. And do you remember the time it rained onstage during a show? Tune in to hear that story. For the interview, they sit down with with Amy Cohen – creator of Circus Culture (and One Ring Donuts!) to talk creativity, collaboration, and of course, all things circus!
This time, Joey & Tucker contemplate what R2P could do with a million dollar budget – and what shows we'd never do even if you paid us a million dollars. For the interview, we sit down with Ithaca’s favorite actor, the brilliant and hilarious KARL GREGORY!. We chat with this multi-award winning artist about what it means to be a “director-proof” actor – and happens when an actor’s nightmare dream comes true!
We're delighted to share with you the next episode of The R2P Podcast! Tucker and Joey reminisce about an underwater production of Annie that went to the dogs. Then they visit with OG company member Anya Gibian, who has spent her time post-R2P doing everything from performing in national tours to composing pirate musicals.
R2P2GO performers will visit senior living facilities, school programs, and community events to bring a portable musical revue anywhere! We're holding auditions to find R2Peeps in grades 6-12 who want to join this traveling troupe. Learn more about R2P2GO and how to get involved…
Ep. 1: We're "Crazy for You," Ms. Harmony!Joey & Tucker discuss past productions of Crazy for You, Noises Off, upcoming virtual programs, and have a heart-to-heart with the one-and-only, our beloved Ms. Harmony Malone!
It can be hard not to dwell on everything that continues to test our tolerance for struggle. However, there also were so many beautiful moments and victories big and small that happened this year. I'm delighted to share some with you here…
In collaboration with the Ryan family, we are delighted and honored to announce a fund at the Community Foundation of Tompkins County that will help R2P do its work Beckie’s memory.
R2P is a community theatre. We want to serve EVERYONE in the community. Years ago we eliminated a major barrier by making participation 100% FREE for all of our students. Today we are excited to announce the book-end to that policy change:
If R2P were to do a podcast with a "listener mailbag" segment, what Q's would you want us to A? Could cover any topic – R2P trivia/history, theatre in general, youth theatre in particular, etc. As us anything! (We won't be answering in the comments, but we may use your question in a future podcast episode!)
Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to postpone the Friday evening Summer Showcase performance.